LTO Ventures Projects
Current Projects
Autumn Hills Village
Autumn Hills Village - Our Project
LTO Ventures Founder, President & CEO Mark Olson is developing plans for a neurodiverse live/work/play community for adults with IDD in the southern Kendall County, Texas. The residential setting would be a safe, secure, planned development of affordable for-sale Small Homes and Townhomes for 76 adults with and without disabilities, plus two single-story Apartment Buildings with up to 12 for-lease units each to provide permanent supportive housing for individuals who have greater support needs as well as individuals who have limited income and resources and would benefit from tiered levels of rent and Community Fees. Our Community Center will serve as a venue for educational programs and classes, events, and social gatherings for our residents and members of the greater community. View our conceptual site plan and read our Executive Summary for more details [click here].
Crossbridge Point
A nonprofit organization, ILADD, Inc., with a board of directors that includes 3 self-advocates engaged LTO Ventures in November 2019. We are providing consulting and project management services to develop a for-sale neurodiverse housing setting, Crossbridge Point, and an array of social and informational programs for adults with IDD in Zionsville. We began with a comprehensive feasibility study that informed the mission of the nonprofit and our Scope of Work. LTO Ventures is working with ILADD, Inc. from concept development and visioning to business plan and budget development, fundraising, marketing, services and supports model development. The project will serve approximately 40 adults with and without disabilities with a goal of opening in 2025. Check out their press release and media coverage [here] and [here].
Oasis Community
OASIS Community
We began providing consulting and project management services to OASIS Community, Inc. in 2021. This 501(c)(3) nonprofit was formed by three families to build and operate a for-sale neurodiverse residential setting for approximately 60 adults with and without intellectual or developmental disabilities in the Tippecanoe County, Indiana area. They engaged LTO Ventures in October 2020 and we began with a comprehensive feasibility assessment that informed our Scope of Work. We have guided them through: enhancement of their operational infrastructure; strategic expansion of their board of directors; development of their housing and programs models (conceptual rendering); and, creating their Business, Strategic, Marketing and Fundraising Plans. In early 2024, OASIS Community was awarded 34 acres of land by Tippecanoe County for their residential project and an accessible park.
Integrated Community Solutions
Integrated Community Solutions
Integrated Community Solutions, Inc. (“ICS”) desires to build and operate a for-sale neurodiverse residential setting for adults with and without developmental disabilities in the Medina, OH area. ICS engaged LTO Ventures in May 2021 to conduct a comprehensive feasibility assessment that informed our Scope of Work. LTO Ventures worked with ICS to create its foundational documents, Key Messages and FAQs including Vision and Mission statements, Business and Housing Plan and Budgets, conduct feasibility testing with self-advocates and families, develop a marketing plan including creating their website and collateral, develop and manage their Strategic Plan and Fundraising Plan. View their introductory video. Check out their media coverage [here] and [here], and view their conceptual renderings [home] and [Enrichment Center].
Pike Autism Support Services of NEPA
Pike Autism Support Services of NEPA
The mission of Pike Autism Support Services is to empower, support and educate families and friends of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) by assisting and encouraging parents to be informed participants in their child’s education and effective advocates on their behalf. Their next major phase is to build and operate a residential setting for adults with IDD in Northeast PA. They engaged LTO Ventures in July 2023 advise on its foundational documents, guide board and advisory council development, create its Key Messages and FAQs platform, develop its Business and Housing Plan and Budgets, conduct feasibility testing with self-advocates and families, develop a marketing plan, and develop their Strategic Plan and Fundraising Plans.
Boerne Aquatic Center
Boerne Aquaplex
LTO Ventures is based in Boerne, Texas, a small, but rapidly growing town in the Hill Country northwest of San Antonio. We are providing pro bono consulting and project management services to help this local nonprofit build and operate an aquatic center that will serve numerous unmet needs for a community venue in Kendall County. The Boerne Aquaplex will serve as the new fully-accessible swimming home for its highly decorated Special Olympics delegation, Boerne Blaze; provide indoor all-season pools for recreational, teaching, and training programs for residents of the communities in and around Boerne; and offer a competition-level venue for Special Olympics, local schools, and club swim teams. Visit their website for more information.
Boerne Aquatic Center
High Point Village
High Point Village is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based in Lubbock that was developed for the purpose of providing an enrichment facility and community for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, we call these individuals Villagers. High Point Village is developing a mixed-use campus for individuals with and without intellectual or developmental disabilities where they can live, learn, work, worship, and achieve their full potential. The High Point Village 10-year Campus Development Plan will be executed in phases as funding is raised and each new element achieves operational stability. Visit their website for more information.
Door2Dreams, Inc. is a Wisconsin non-profit corporation founded by parents, professionals, and self-advocates helping adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) live, work and thrive where they choose to live. Their initial focus is to expand housing options and build community engagement through local partnerships. They engaged LTO Ventures in July 2023 advise on its foundational documents, guide board and advisory council development, create its Key Messages and FAQs platform, develop its Business and Housing Plan and Budgets, conduct feasibility testing with self-advocates and families, develop a marketing plan, and develop their Strategic Plan and Fundraising Plans.
Independent Housing Initiative, Inc.
Independent Housing Initiative, Inc. is a Wisconsin nonprofit corporation with a mission to create nurturing and inclusive long-term housing for adults with intellectual, developmental, and/or physical disabilities that fosters their holistic development and provides a supportive community that empowers them to realize their goals, dreams, and expectations, and a vision of a residential haven where individuals with disabilities enjoy a variety of safe, comfortable living options and a Jewish-inspired life of engagement, growth, and happiness. The Independent Housing Initiative setting will be a safe, supportive, and affordable neurodiverse residential community in Milwaukee, WI for approximately 30-40 adults with intellectual, developmental, and/or physical disabilities and intentional neighbors without disabilities.
Previous Projects
Nikki’s Next Step
One Step Beyond
One Step Beyond, Inc. (OSBI) is a well-established and highly-regarded program provider for people with intellectual disabilities that is ready to create a for-sale residential option for 40 individuals with a goal of opening in 2027. In January 2021, we conducted a feasibility assessment of their team, organization, and initial concepts. From that, we surveyed the organization’s preferences and choices. Our initial Business Plan was derived from that research, and OSBI engaged us to help make their vision a reality. The project is named Nikki’s Next Step to honor Nikki, a young woman who did not have disabilities but passed away from cancer way too young. She was a best friend of Carrie, an OSBI participant. LTO Ventures has completed OSBI’s project messaging, business plan, and architect search.
Creative Living Community
Creative Living Community
Creative Living Community of CT (CLCC) desires to build and operate a shared living community for adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities (IDD) in Coventry, CT. CLCC contacted LTO Ventures in November 2021 for an initial consultation, and we met with the board in January 2022 for a more detailed discussion. CLCC has acquired property and is currently operating a day program in a different location, but it was “stuck” on how to move forward with the living community. LTO Ventures worked with them to create Key Messages and FAQs, a Unified Business and Housing Plan and Budgets that tie together the elements of its vision, conduct feasibility testing with families and funders, and develop a Strategic Plan and Fundraising and Marketing Plan to put it on a path forward to success.
Eva Sophia Project
Eva Sophia Project
Eva Sophia Project (ESP) desires to build and operate a for-sale neurodiverse residential setting for adults with and without developmental disabilities in the Waconia, MN area. ESP engaged LTO Ventures in May 2023 to advise on its foundational documents, guide board, and advisory council development, create its Key Messages and FAQs platform, including Vision and Mission statements, develop its Business and Housing Plan and Budgets, conduct feasibility testing with self-advocates and families, develop a marketing plan including their website and collateral, and develop and manage their Strategic Plan and Fundraising Plan.
Bethel Hills
Advocates For Community Choice
Advocates for Community Choice is a nonprofit formed in 2015 to continue the operation of a legacy setting for adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities that was slated to close. When the original mission was no longer a possibility, it reset and engaged LTO Ventures for paid consulting and project management services beginning with the development of Strategic and Business Plans. In one year we helped design their project, Bethel Hills Community, developed 2 Strategic Plans, wrote their Business Plan, and guided them to raise almost $2.2 million. Read front-page media coverage [here] and [here].
New York
Nicky’s Gardens Of Hope
Nicky’s Gardens Of Hope
Nicky’s Gardens of Hope and NGOH Holdings LLC are two entities created by Adriana Piltz to establish a new generation of housing, services, and financial sustainability for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Nicky’s Gardens of Hope is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation inspired by her adult son, Nicky, who was born with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC). NGOH Holdings LLC is an independent, for-profit entity that develops profitable businesses that underwrite the financial sustainability of the residential setting and provide employment opportunities for the residents. Together, they form a Balanced-Risk Revenue Model, an innovative approach to address the short- and long-term capital needs of the nonprofit while freeing it to focus on its charitable mission. LTO Ventures was retained to conduct a feasibility study of the model and organization.
Ken Anderson Alliance
Ken Anderson Alliance announced in 2024 that they have partnered with real estate developer Paradigm Construction to develop a residential community to allow adults with disabilities to live independently while also providing supports related to community employment and engagement. LTO Ventures was engaged in 2016 to create the design and model for affordable housing, integrated employment, and social opportunities. Mark Olson, LTO Ventures President & CEO, also served as Executive Director of the nonprofit in 2017-2018.
Journey 21
The Journey21 story began in 2015 with two moms sitting at a Special Olympics track meet watching their boys compete. The conversation they struck up led to a friendship and partnership to create an active and inclusive community in Oconomowoc, WI. LTO Ventures was engaged to provide a full range of paid consulting and project management services including development of their Business Plan, Budget, Key Messages, website, and guide them through two phases of feasibility study research with self-advocates and families. We further guided them through development of their housing and funding model, creation of an Enrichment Center, and development of outings and programs. Journey21 acquired is land in December 2021 and broke ground on May 11, 2022 with its Enrichment Center scheduled to open in April 2023. View their fly-through video, Case for Support, introductory video, and exceptional media coverage.
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